Mar 6, 2013

Happy People Help Make Others Happy


"Happiness does NOT make you want to have margaritas on the beach. Happiness makes you want to volunteer with organizations that distributes malaria nets!"

  Happy people are more altruistic, they help out more, they have stronger relationships.
When we're unhappy, we tend to turn inward, dwell on our own problems and misery.

 If it IS selfish to want to be happier, we should strive to be happy, if only for selfless reasons.

Happy people get more done while they're getting more out of life. IT'S OKAY TO BE HAPPY. It's morally "alright," in a world full of suffering, to seek to be happy.

Quote and Video Source: "Gretchen Rubin - Five Half-Truths About Happiness"

Mar 3, 2013

Amazing Women Add Value to Life

Do YOU Add Value to YOUR life?

 “I think that all too often women take on a tremendous amount of responsibility, but never really come to value themselves,” says the self-proclaimed feminist who, since the late 1960s, has been on a mission to empower women.

“I have always tried to use writing and painting to help women realize the incredible contribution they are making.” - Betsey Mulloy
Nathan Bilow/AP Photo, File
Lindsay Van takes flight en route to winning the women's division of the U.S. Jumping
Championships on the K90 in Steamboat Springs, Colo., on Jan. 22, 2006.

What a great quote! Women never give themselves enough props! Women make incredible contributions to the world. Why do we even have to talk about that? Isn't is a given? 

It's not a given and it's rarely something we give freely to ourselves. Women were trained to be self-depracating. I suppose it's a matter of who raised you and where you were brought up. Women coming of age in the deep south seem to especially need other STRONG WOMEN to lead them away from that rain of thought. 

In the picture above, 28-year old Linsay Van takes flight as a champion Ski Jumper. After a LONG uphill battle to allow women in the Olymipc sport of Ski Jumping, Lindsay and her valiant supperters recently fought their way in the "the men's club!"

The Olympic Commitee has agreed to let women compete in the sport long held as "...something sdtrimantal to women's health considerations." You heard right. Men thought is would hurt a woman's uterus for them to compete in this sport, yet those same men thought nothing of allowing Lindsay to be the pre-jumper to clear the launch BEFORE THE MEN JUMPED!
Lindsay knew at age nine she wated to Jump in the Olympics. At age 28, she will compete, although the decades of trying to be "allowed" to play might have aged her out of a medal, she's still going to compete. She may even place; ya' never know. One thing is for sure. There are going to be a multitude of people cheering her on either way!

Amazing Women Add Value to Life DO YOU PRAISE THE WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE? Do you praise yourself for being an amazing woman? You are.
Article Source: ARTIST AND AUTHOR BETSEY MULLOY featured at